
Iran responds to dialogue with rockets: Iraqi FM

Dilan Sirwan

Jan. 19, 2024 • 3 min read
Image of Iran responds to dialogue with rockets: Iraqi FM

During a one on one interview with the Iraqi foreign minister hosted at the Kurdish house at Davos, Fuad Hussein discussed the Iranian attacks stating "they use rockets while Iraq uses dialogue".

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region of Iraq - Iran responds to the language of dialogue with rockets, Iraq’s foreign minister said on Wednesday at the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

“We are using dialogue, and they are using rockets, we are using negotiation as an approach to solve a problem and they are using different methods,” Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said in a panel organized by the Kurdish House in Davos on Wednesday.

Hussein’s statement comes as multiple Iranian ballistic missiles and one-way attack drones were directed at Erbil by Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) late monday night.

A number of the rockets landed on the private residence of Kurdish businessman Peshraw Dizayee, flattening his house, killing him and his one year old daughter, and wounding other members of his family.

Hussein added that while Iraq’s approach has always been towards strengthening, economic and neighborly ties with Iran, “it will be impossible for us to accept aggression and the attacks which happened a few days ago, also the attack which happened about a year ago.”

Hussein added that while addressing their discontent to Tehran, they found out that the Iranian side has “no proof” of the allegations they are making.

“We have the feeling that there is an internal conflict within these security organizations within Iran,” he said.

Shortly after Monday night’s attacks, the IRGC claimed responsibility for the attacks, adding that they had targeted an Israeli intelligence spot in Erbil, a claim that has been denied by Iraqi and Kurdish officials repeatedly.

“We inspected on the ground, accompanied by members of the investigation committee, the home of the businessman targeted last night in Erbil, and it became clear that the allegations about targeting a Mossad headquarters were unfounded,” Iraq’s National Security Advisor Qasem al-Araji said in a tweet following his visit to the site of the attack.

This was not the first time he had made such a conclusion, nor is it the first time Iran had targeted the house of a Kurdish businessman inside Erbil.

In March 2022, IRGC fired a dozen ballistic missiles at Erbil, some of which landed on the house of Sheikh Baaz, another renowned Kurdish businessman. Their reason was also targeting Israeli intelligence at the time, but that claim was also refuted by Iraq and the KRG.

However, Iran has been insistent on its stance.

The Islamic Republic’s defense minister on Wednesday said that Iran will not put limits to defending its national security and will use its missiles whenever it needs to.

“We have different types of missiles with a range of 2,000 km and with various warheads,” he said. “We use them whenever we need to, and we are a missile power in the world.”

Iraq on Tuesday filed a complaint to the UN Security Council about Iran’s aggression on Erbil.

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Author Dilan Sirwan

Dilan Sirwan is an Erbil-based Kurdish journalist covering Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. He focuses on political, economic, and social issues.


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