
Kurdish opposition blames PKK for emergence of Turkey, Syria talks

The New Region

Jul. 09, 2024 • 2 min read
Image of Kurdish opposition blames PKK for emergence of Turkey, Syria talks SDF member in Baghouz, Syria in March 2019. (Photo by AFP)

An opposition Kurdish party in northeast Syria blames the PKK and the local Kurdish-led administration’s ruling party for triggering talks between Syria and Turkey.

As talks between Syria and Turkey seem set to go ahead, a Kurdish opposition party in Syria blames the ruling party of the northeast Syria administration (AANES) and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) for enabling the talks and warns of instability as a result of said talks.

Speaking to The New Region on Tuesday, the representative of the Kurdish National Council (ENKS) in the Kurdistan Region said that the ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) and the PKK have triggered the emergence of talks between Turkey and Syria, both of whom oppose the presence of a Kurdish administration in NE Syria (also known as Rojava).

“The agreement between Turkey and Syria is a result of the PKK and PYD’s work and program and it will have a negative impact on Rojava and lead it into an unclear future,” Jad’an Yousif said.

The representative further announced his party’s opposition to any such agreements being made between Ankara and Damascus.

“We are against such agreement and will oppose any agreement that violates international law,” Yousif added.

The ENKS, which has strong ties with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, has on several occasions blamed attacks on its party’s offices in Syria on the ruling PYD.

ENKS’s claim comes as talks are set to start between Turkey and Syria with potential Iraqi and Russian mediation.

Relations between Turkey and Syria have for years been strained. Turkey has moved into Syrian territory in its hunt for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and its military backbone the People’s Defense Units (YPG), who are considered enemies by both Ankara and Damascus.

Addressing members of his party early in June, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Turkish cross-border operations have been in a bid to eliminate the “terrorist” threat to the country, and that his government will not scale back their operations.

“Turkey cannot reach peace and safety without the terror-producing swamps in Iraq and northern Syria being dried up,” Turkish state media quoted Erdogan as saying.

The PKK is an armed group that has fought for increased Kurdish rights in Turkey for decades. The group is designated a terrorist organization by Ankara.

Turkey has launched several attacks on the SDF held areas in Rojava.

Turkey considers the YPG as inextricably linked to the PKK, however the YPG insists that they merely subscribe to similar ideology.

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