
Iran finds UK, France, Germany demands ‘extravagant’: foreign ministry

The New Region

Aug. 13, 2024 • 2 min read
Image of Iran finds UK, France, Germany demands ‘extravagant’: foreign ministry Iran's foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani.

Iran’s foreign ministry on Tuesday labeled the statement from UK, France, and Germany as “extravagant”, reiterating Tehran’s right to respond to aggressions in its territory.

The UK, France, and Germany’s statement calling on Iran to not respond to Israel are “extravagant demands” that lack political logic and is contrary to the principles of international law, Iran’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday.


Speaking to reporters, foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said that the statement from the three countries without any objection to the crimes committed by Israel “impudently requests the Islamic Republic of Iran not to act as a deterrent against the regime that violates its sovereignty and territorial integrity.”


“Such requests lack political logic, are completely contrary to the principles and rules of international law, and are extravagant demands,” Kanaani said. “If the mentioned countries are really looking for peace and stability in the region, they should once and for all stand against the war-mongering and adventurism of the apartheid regime of Israel and the war against Gaza.”


The leaders of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom on Monday called for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages in the ongoing Middle East conflict. 


In a joint statement, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer voiced strong support for a recent appeal by Qatar, Egypt, and the US for renewed peace talks.


“The fighting must end now, and all hostages still detained by Hamas must be released. The people of Gaza need urgent and unfettered delivery and distribution of aid,” read a joint statement from the three countries.


They also called for Iran and its allies to avoid actions that could further escalate regional tensions, stating, “they will bear responsibility for actions that jeopardize this opportunity for peace and stability.”


The leaders of the US, Egypt, and Qatar are pushing for a resumption of negotiations between Israel and Hamas on August 15 to finalize a ceasefire deal for Gaza. 


A joint statement from the White House last Thursday announced that the leaders aim to present a final proposal to resolve outstanding issues and have urged both parties to meet in Doha or Cairo next Thursday.

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