
UNITAD delivers Speicher Massacre report to Iraq

The New Region

Jun. 10, 2024 • 2 min read
Image of UNITAD delivers Speicher Massacre report to Iraq

The Supreme Judicial Council of Iraq received UNITAD's report on the 2014 Speicher Massacre, acknowledging it as genocide.

Iraq's Supreme Judicial Council received on Monday UNITAD's report on the 2014 Speicher Massacre, recognizing it as a crime committed with the intention of genocide, war crime and a crime against humanity.


The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan, on Monday received Ana Peyró Llopis, the Special Advisor and Head of the United Nations Investigative Team (UNITAD), along with team members.


During the meeting, the UNITAD team leader presented Judge Zaidan with a comprehensive analytical report on the massacre at the Presidential Palaces complex in Tikrit, which was perpetrated against volunteers who had left the Tikrit Air Academy in 2014, known as the Speicher Massacre.


Judge Zaidan praised the team's efforts, stating, "this significant achievement by the UNITAD team provides a detailed account of the crime, identifying it as a crime committed with the intent of genocide in ISIS's policy against Shia in Iraq. This massacre is classified as a crime against humanity and a war crime."


The report handover ceremony was attended by senior officials, including Chief Judge of the Central Investigation Court, Jabbar Abdul Dali, and Investigative Judge Yasser Fanatil, who is responsible for investigating the Speicher Massacre.


Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani issued a statement on June 10, 2024, marking ten years since the ISIS invasion of Mosul.


He condemned the terrorist acts, describing them as fueled by "vile objectives, delusions, and enmity."


Sudani honored the victims from all Iraqi national components who suffered at the hands of ISIS.


He praised the unity of the Iraqi people and their armed forces, stating, "we take pride in the unified stance of our people rallying around their armed forces."


Reflecting on the aftermath, he noted that Iraq emerged stronger, more determined to rebuild and advance.


Sudani commended the sacrifices made to defeat extremism and terrorism, asserting that "the remnants of terrorism no longer pose a threat to the Iraqi state."


He concluded by honoring the martyrs and expressing determination for Iraq's continued progress, saying, "our people enjoy security and stability as a result of the sacrifices of our righteous martyrs."

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Author The New Region


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