
Kurdistan universities welcome refugee students

Rasheed Soufi

Jun. 18, 2024 • 4 min read
Image of Kurdistan universities welcome refugee students

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), has provided significant support to around 300,000 Syrian Kurdish refugees, including educational opportunities in Kurdistan universities.

Around 300,000 refugees, predominantly Syrian Kurds, live in the Kurdistan region. The Kurdistan Regional Government is helping in various ways, including opportunities for refugee students to pursue their academic studies at universities in Kurdistan.

When Syrian student Nerouz Abdulqader Asaad fled Hasakah with her family over 10 years ago, she feared her education would come to an abrupt end. Despite her passion for learning, the prospect of returning to school seemed distant. After settling in the Domiz camp for Syrian Kurdish refugees, south of Duhok, her first concern was resuming her studies. Today, Nerouz is studying medicine at a university in the Kurdistan region.

A realized dream

Nerouz Ismail tells The New Region, "I dreamed of becoming a doctor, and that dream has finally come true. I was terrified of losing my education because of the dire circumstances in Syria. However, after seeking refuge in the Kurdistan Region, our situation improved significantly. Now, I am continuing my life as usual. I completed high school and enrolled in the medical college at Zakho University last year."

Nerouz points out that she was admitted to medical school based on her academic performance, just like other students in the Kurdistan region. "I have worked hard to succeed and achieve good results in my university studies." She says that she doesn't feel like an outsider; her relationships with everyone are strong, and she considers herself part of the community.

Nerouz is not alone. Hundreds of Syrian students are continuing their education with government support in Kurdistan universities.

Scholarships for refugees enhance student diversity

The American University of Kurdistan has extended scholarships to refugee students, covering tuition fees and some expenses. Ruqaya Saleem of the communications team at the American University of Kurdistan in Duhok, told The New Region that the university awarded fully funded scholarships to 16 refugees in 2024.

These scholarships encompass tuition for undergraduate programs, English language courses, university fees, and accommodation costs.

She explained that the American University plans to sustain this initiative to guarantee that all eligible applicants, including refugees, can access education. This effort aligns with the university’s commitment to fostering diversity within its student body.

Supplying essentials for refugee schools 

Following the onset of the Syrian crisis in 2011 and the subsequent rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the Kurdistan region took in many of the fleeing Syrians. The Kurdistan Statistics Authority reports that the region is currently home to 259,448 refugees, the majority of whom are Syrian Kurds, with 168,019 living outside of refugee camps.

Pir Dayan Jafar, Director of the Migration and Displacement Department in Duhok province, highlighted the support provided by the Kurdistan Regional Government for educational needs in refugee camp schools. This includes necessary supplies and salaries for teaching staff, facilitated in partnership with various humanitarian organizations. 

The Kurdistan region has received substantial humanitarian and international recognition for its commitment to welcoming refugees and displaced persons, respecting their rights and dignity. 

Over 300 Syrian refugee students enrolled in Kurdistan universities

Mirvan Badini, an official with the Syrian Kurdish Students and Youth Union in the Kurdistan Region, tells The New Region that 314 Syrian refugee students are currently enrolled in universities across the region. He stresses that there is no distinction between refugee students and local students, as they all enjoy the same rights. 

Badini added that many Syrian students have recently arrived in the Kurdistan region to pursue higher education, following the modification and approval of their certificates. These students have been given seats under the parallel education system for a nominal fee, a move he described as a positive and humanitarian gesture towards Syrian students.

Annual plans to admit refugee students to universities

The Ministry of Higher Education in the Kurdistan region has an annual initiative to provide educational opportunities for refugee and displaced students by granting them places in local universities. Abbas Akram, the official spokesperson for the ministry, says, "We have annual plans to allocate study seats to refugees in Kurdistan universities.

These institutions also offer places under the parallel education system for a fee, contingent on the necessary conditions, including the modification and approval of applicants’ certificates by the Kurdistan Regional Ministry of Education."

Akram says that the Ministry of Education will initiate its planning before the start of the new academic year to allocate seats for refugee students. This initiative aims to provide university education opportunities for refugees as part of the ministry's strategy to accept students into Kurdistan universities for the upcoming academic year.

Kurdistan welcomed me

Despite the challenging conditions and diminishing international aid, Syrian refugees in the Kurdistan region largely see it as a beacon of hope for rebuilding their lives. Many young refugees aspire to complete their university education in this welcoming environment.

University student Nerouz Abdulqader reflects on the hardships of living under a refugee tent, like thousands of other families. However, she remains steadfast in her decision not to return to Syria, choosing instead to build a brighter future in Kurdistan. "Kurdistan embraced me warmly; I will not leave it," she said.

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Author Rasheed Soufi

Rasheed Soufi is an Iraqi journalist based in Duhok. He has worked for several local and foreign media outlets.


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